Record Type Lookup in Vlocity Post Dataraptor
What is a Dataraptor:
Dataraptor is a vlocity package ETL tool used to Extract,Transform or Load data in Salesforce org.
Load dataraptor is exclusively used for creation of data in Salesforce. The distinctive feature of dataraptor is that it is completely configurable. You dont need to know coding to implement a Dataraptor. But we need to make sure that it is implemented in a right way to ensure optimal performance from DR.
Dataraptor consuming more server resource may have an impact in overall performance of omniscript and user experience will be impacted.
Vlocity has provided a good deal of standard features to achieve data manipulation before performing a load. In this blog, Iam going to explain one such feature to perform a data lookup in load dataraptor.
There are many scenarios when you would want to use lookup. For instance, lookup record type id, lookup data from custom metadata or custom settings.
In this below example, lookup is used to get the recordtype id from salesforce using recordtype name.
Step 1: In the field mapping, Check "Is Lookup" to enable lookup in field mapping.
Step 2: Select the object to lookup.
Step 3: Select the lookup field. The lookup record will be matched against this field.
Step 4: Select Lookup requested field.
When this dataraptor runs, the "Lookup Requested Field" will be populated for "Domain
Object Field".
Dataraptor is a vlocity package ETL tool used to Extract,Transform or Load data in Salesforce org.
Load dataraptor is exclusively used for creation of data in Salesforce. The distinctive feature of dataraptor is that it is completely configurable. You dont need to know coding to implement a Dataraptor. But we need to make sure that it is implemented in a right way to ensure optimal performance from DR.
Dataraptor consuming more server resource may have an impact in overall performance of omniscript and user experience will be impacted.
Vlocity has provided a good deal of standard features to achieve data manipulation before performing a load. In this blog, Iam going to explain one such feature to perform a data lookup in load dataraptor.
There are many scenarios when you would want to use lookup. For instance, lookup record type id, lookup data from custom metadata or custom settings.
In this below example, lookup is used to get the recordtype id from salesforce using recordtype name.
Step 1: In the field mapping, Check "Is Lookup" to enable lookup in field mapping.
Step 2: Select the object to lookup.
Step 3: Select the lookup field. The lookup record will be matched against this field.
When this dataraptor runs, the "Lookup Requested Field" will be populated for "Domain
Object Field".
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